McCourts and Los Angeles Dodgers: Fly Ball Up For Grabs

On Tuesday, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon invalidated a 2004 agreement between Frank and Jamie McCourt that would have given Frank sole ownership of the Los Angeles Dodgers. The next round of proceedings will no doubt involve Frank’s legal team attempting to establish other strategies to dispute Jamie’s ownership claims.  Analysts believe this murky mess will not be resolved anytime soon.   Lady Justice shakes her head in disbelief about neither party willing to “play ball.”  Stay tuned..

Criminal Trial of Co-Defendants Stern, Kapoor & Eroshevich: Stern Files Motion for Leniency

Late yesterday,  Anna Nicole’s former lawyer-companion filed a request for dismissal of two convictions involving the use of fictitious names in procuring prescription drugs.  One of Stern’s criminal defense lawyers, J. Christopher Smith, suggests that this behavior is “common practice” in Hollywood.  According to the Associated Press, Stern’s attorney claims that Stern thought it was legal to prescribe medication using fake names.  Sounds like a defense that should have been presented during trial and not after the defendant is already found guilty.  Absent a dismissal from Judge Perry, Stern may try to get a new trial altogether.  Hopefully Judge Perry will respect the jury’s guilty findings.  Sentencing for both defendants is still set for January 6.  Stay tuned…