Flight 447, Air France update…

Air France pilots are pressing crash investigators for past performance problems of its aircrafts’ speed sensors (pitot tubes). The tube’s failure purportedly was key in last month’s deadly crash of Flight 447 which claimed the lives of all 228 who were aboard. As of now, no information has been revealed. Union officials are stating that modifications to existing aircraft could’ve been made had this information been available. Extensive searches for flight data and cockpit voice recorders have thus far proven fruitless. We originally reported on this story on June 9th in the article “Air France: Unsensored!”

From Frankfurters to Freedom

For many, the 4th of July brings together friends and family, feasting on charcoal-cooked delicacies and taking in a fireworks display from a local civic organization. While you reap the holiday’s bounty, keep in mind a few things. We, as Americans, are blessed with liberties set forth by our Founding Fathers, and it is our civic duty to continue in their footsteps. Those who imprinted their names upon the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to achieve freedom from the absentee British Empire. The independence we gained was not merely for its own sake, but for a desire to preserve self-determination and forge a will to pursue our own course as individuals. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin are not just faces which peer from our currency. They, among many others, did not wait until every vestige of liberty had been stolen from them. They understood precedents unchallenged become the norm in a society. The recent uprisings in Iran (among countless other examples history illustrates) only reinforce the fact that we are fortunate enough to live in a nation which allows us to practice our own religion, have a say in how our government is run, and Read More …