A life graced by footlights and spotlights, coupled with an unstable familial foundation, is often underscored by the inability to follow socially responsible norms and mores. The troubles of Lindsay Lohan bear no exception. It appears she repeatedly attempts to negate her issues by struggling with sexual orientation, alcohol, and drug abuse. Certainly one might be swayed to sympathize with her plight, and persuade her to manage her troubles by productive and constructive means.
The will of Lady Justice should not be continuously tried and tested, regardless of the excuse for insubordination. Lohan’s missteps continue as follows, just to name a few: failure to appear for her DUI conviction hearing in May allegedly due to a stolen passport; failure to consistently adhere to drug rehabilitation schedules; and, failure to accept culpability for erratic behavior while attributing youth and inexperience as the culprit.
Attorney Robert Shapiro, who made a career of defending the questionable behavior of his star-studded celebrities, provided no explanation as to why he quit his tenure as Lohan’s counsel – the day before she began a 90-day sentence in the L.A. County Jail. She is, however, expected to be released soon due to “supposed” jail overcrowding.
Yesterday, prosecutors confirmed that she is ordered to report to a rehabilitation facility 24 hours after her release. Her new lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, objects, claiming “it would only be fair” for the actress to spend some quality time with her family. This proposed leniency all along the system’s chain of command does little to educate Lohan about repercussions stemming from making bad decisions.
Will Lohan’s celebrity again blind the hand which guides Lady Justice’s will, as it has for many a celebrity before her (as alluded to here: Daily Journal)?
Sounds like actions of a mentally ill and spoiled brat to me.
She needs to stand up, bite the bullet and show some self-discipline.
She ought to do her time, then do some volunteer work for the severely mentally ill.
I agree whole heartedly with Daisy…this little brat needs to have
her butt spanked….she needs to be in
a situation where she is accountable for
her actions….sounds like jail is perfect for her….I couldn’t be happier…
When she is up for her next acting job, I wonder if her potential employers will be a bit hesitant to hire her.
Dear Ms. Brenman,
I appreciate you shining some light on this growing problem. We published a white paper on it a couple years back, following the death of Heath Ledger. We think such physicians/psychiatrist should also be criminally investigated. Our reporter is here: http://www.cchrint.org/pdfs/Criminal_Negligence_White_Paper.pdf
Steve Wagner
Director of Litigation
CCHR International