Tragedy befalling prominent figures in the entertainment industry is nothing new, but the growing phenomenon of drug-related deaths among these people is unsettling. Four that come to mind are Corey Haim, Brittany Murphy, Michael Jackson, and Anna Nicole Smith (”ANS”). Millions have been spent in legal fees to bring forth explanations and possible closure to their untimely loss of life. Controversy has especially been swirling around Haim, Jackson, and ANS, who all shopped for doctors that would ply them with enough medication to kill a person many times over. Though the exact cause of Haim’s death is still undetermined, several unauthorized prescriptions in his name were found amongst blank prescription pads (which could have been stolen from doctor’s offices). These blank pads are the equivalent of gold bricks to drug pushers. One arrest involving a possible drug ring participant who supplied Haim with a powerful painkiller occurred March 17, but details about the incarceration are sparse. Then, 2 weeks ago, the Los Angeles County coroner’s office subpoenaed medical records from 20 doctors scattered throughout Southern California to gauge prescription trails linked to Haim. Attorney General Jerry Brown and his office are seeking answers too. At an April 6th press conference, Read More …