The ANS preliminary circus act is beginning to look and sound slightly derivative, but the show must go on! Here is a recap of the last two days, with a surprise revelation. TUESDAY Expert witness James Gagne testified Kapoor was reckless in prescribing dangerous levels of opiates and sedatives for ANS without first performing a complete medical workup to determine what was ailing her. Kapoor began treating ANS in 2004 after he took over her prior physician’s practice, and one of his first lapses in judgment surfaced when he prescribed the powerfully addictive opiate Dilaudid for 6 months (aptly nicknamed “hospital heroin”) after learning she had cracked two ribs. Gagne believed she should have been given “a low level opiate for a week or two.” Way to allow the body to heal itself, big K! It was only when Kapoor saw the televised train wreck of her appearance on an awards show that he discontinued her dosage. ANS refused drug counseling, and Kapoor chalked up her bizarre televised turn to a seizure, not overmedication. During cross-examination, Gagne did give Kapoor credit for admitting her drug habit might be abusive. Almost a year and a half after the American Music Awards Read More …