The city of Oakland has just set a record, but not one that begs to be emulated. This past Saturday, it suffered the highest single day death toll in its 156 year history when it claimed the life of 3 police officers and another on life support (as of this writing). The calamity’s lightning rod is Lovelle Mixon, a 26-year-old parolee wanted on a no-bail warrant for violating his parole. At 1 p.m., Mixon’s 1995 Buick sedan was pulled over by two motorcycle officers, Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40, and Officer John Hege, 41. According to a spokesperson, Mixon immediately opened fire, killing Dunakin and gravely wounding Hege. The shooter exited the vehicle and fled on foot. A vigorous SWAT team manhunt ensued, culminating in a gun battle at a nearby apartment building where Sgt. Sgts. Ervin Romans, 43, and Daniel Sakai, 35, were killed and a third officer was grazed by a bullet. Mixon died in the melee. Acting police chief Howard Jordan stated Mixon had “an extensive history of violence” manifested by a previous incarceration in a state penitentiary for a San Francisco armed assault. On a side note, someone from his childhood actually married him during his sentence Read More …